2 mins read

Pregnancy pH-Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy helps ensure that you and your baby get the nutrition you need. A pH-balanced diet works with the pH levels of your body as a way to monitor whether you are at optimal health during your pregnancy. Some experts, like Esme Stevens, the founder of Raw Food Europe, believe that following a pH-balanced diet can reduce some negative pregnancy symptoms, like feeling tired.

3 mins read

Ways to Treat ADHD

When a doctor diagnoses your child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, you have to think about what kind of treatment will work best for your child. Doctors may be quick to hand out medication to treat the disease, and it may work for some children, but some parents complain that the medication turns their child into a zombie, removing some of the personality quirks that make the child special.

2 mins read

Dare to Dream BIG

What do you dream of? Many of us may dream of being thinner, younger or sleeping with George Clooney (hey, we know a girls gotta dream), but these are not the dreams we are referring to. What about the other innocuous, non-eyebrow-raising dreams that may not be tabloid worthy yet make our heart sing, bring a smile to our face and a sparkle to our eyes?

2 mins read

Weight Loss Camps for Adults

Weight loss can be challenging, especially when you try and balance work and family with diet and exercise. Going away to a weight loss camp can jump-start your healthy lifestyle without distractions. Because weight loss camps offer a variety of options, choosing the right program is essential to success.

3 mins read

How Many Calories Does a Teenage Boy Need Each Day?

You might wake up one day to find your teenage boy has eaten you out of house and home. This can be a normal part of teenage development. His appetite may increase during growth spurts or as a result of puberty’s many changes. His eating will probably balance out as he gets older. On the other hand, if your teen is underweight or suffers from obesity, his calorie consumption might be of some concern to you.