4 mins read

Talking About Makeup And Skin Care With My Pre-Teen Niece

During the summer, I spent a week on the east coast for a visit with family.My niece Allison and I love to spend time together – you see, ever since she was five years old, she discovered that Auntie Karen was a makeup girl. A.K.A. girly girl! Every visit, Allison would ask me to apply makeup on her face (with the approval of her mother of course). We would play with a variety of colors and makeup brushes.

1 min read

Gear Skins

From sports equipment to electronics, my little ones have a lot of items they must carry to and from school. It is always a terrible feeling when one of those precious items is lost. Gear Skins is a trendy, fun way to keep track of your valuable gear. Put that black marker away, and order one of these new custom designed labels for your favorite belongings.

3 mins read

Common Baby Skin Problems

A baby’s skin is usually silky soft — but it may also be bumpy, red, splotchy, or pimply. Babies, especially newborns, suffer from a number of common skin problems. While such conditions may be worrisome to new parents, most infant skin problems are temporary and won’t harm your baby, according to WebMD. In fact, most skin conditions, especially rashes, simply disappear with time.

2 mins read

Skin Care Secrets

Concerns about your skin care can create stress and financial obligation as you try expensive creams and methods in your efforts to maintain a healthy and attractive skin appearance. Whether you are fighting acne, uneven skin tones or other issues, you can try several inexpensive skin care secrets to improve your skin’s appearance, without emptying your wallet.