1 min read

Summertime Make-up Tips and Tricks

Summertime is sweaty and sticky, which can wreak havoc on the makeup that took you 45 minutes to apply “just so” before you left the house. Makeup is important in the summer, not just to even things out, but to keep your face protected from harmful UVA rays. This summer, pack a light makeup bag for summer time fun.

1 min read

Mommy Makeup Tutorial: How To Wear Gold & Silver Eye Shadow

The holiday season is here and it’s the perfect time to bring some glamour and glitter to your makeup look.Try these five easy steps using gold or silver shadows to add some twinkle and shine to your eyes!Step 1Apply a gold or silver shadow all over the eyelid (pat/press color onto lid with a flat eye shadow brush). Keep applying until you see the color really popping.Step 2Add …

4 mins read

Talking About Makeup And Skin Care With My Pre-Teen Niece

During the summer, I spent a week on the east coast for a visit with family.My niece Allison and I love to spend time together – you see, ever since she was five years old, she discovered that Auntie Karen was a makeup girl. A.K.A. girly girl! Every visit, Allison would ask me to apply makeup on her face (with the approval of her mother of course). We would play with a variety of colors and makeup brushes.

1 min read

10 Reasons Why Moms Should Get Their Eyebrows Shaped

I know as women, we are all looking for that quick and cost effective beauty fix! My advice to you, as an eyebrow specialist, is tobook a brow shaping appointment with a brow expert in your area and see for yourself the positive benefits you will receive instantly. You will be hooked. Promise!