1 min read

Crib Safety Standards Expanded

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued new safety guidelines this week regulating the sale of cribs both new and used. The new guidelines prohibit the sale (and production) of drop-side cribs and call for stronger support for mattresses and stronger slat strength. These new guidelines also require companies to make the crib hardware stronger and more durable. Cribs now require more rigorous testing. With these new guidelines, the US crib standards will …

4 mins read

Is Your Thyroid to Blame?

Did you know that having an abnormally high or low thyroid can cause you to miscarry and wreak havoc on your body? January is Thyroid Awareness Month? I thought talking about how vital our thyroid is to our body functions, including pregnancy, would be a great way to start the year off. One of the…