7 mins read

The Best Credit Cards for Teens: Smart Financial Start

Which Credit Card Should Your Teen Get? Just when you thought you were finally getting over the college applications, you now have to think about sending your kid to college and hoping they will make smart decisions - and that includes the money part too. Let’s face it, financial literacy is an essential skill for…

3 mins read

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning   My son’s senior year is taking place at home with online learning. His school is on a block schedule (Periods 1,3,5 on one day, Periods 2,4,6 on another day). The schedule was sent to every parent at the beginning of the school year, laying out exactly…

3 mins read

Learning Games for Preschool Kids

Playing learning games with your preschoolers can help to teach new skills and concepts and review skills and concepts he has already learned. Depending on what you play, learning games for your preschooler can help her to learn and review numbers, letters, colors, shapes and the alphabet. They can also help to teach and review concepts like bigger and smaller and less and more. Playing learning games regularly with your preschooler can help her successfully prepare for school.

4 mins read

Autism and Learning a Foreign Language

Big time advice coming… A few times, when my son with autism was younger, I said to myself, “I should really get him into some kind of foreign language instruction soon.” But, I never followed through. Now, my son has just started high school and is finally taking a foreign language, Spanish. I wish he…