3 mins read

Side Effects of Starting Birth Control

Women have several options when choosing birth control, including hormonal birth control methods such as the pill, the patch, injections, vaginal ring, and an intrauterine device (IUD). Other popular types of birth control include barrier methods, such as a condom. Barrier methods may cause some women mild vaginal irritation, but there are usually cause few side effects. Women are much more likely to have side effects when starting hormonal birth control methods.

4 mins read

When Starting a Business – Passion Trumps Cash!

One thing that holds so many people back from starting their business is the lack of capital. The truth is that we can make up for that in spades with passion. When you truly have passion for your idea it quickly turns into momentum and real progress is made regardless of the size of your bank account.

3 mins read

Starting Exercise During Pregnancy

According to William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N., authors of “The Pregnancy Book,” a woman’s heart rate increases during pregnancy by 20 percent. Even without planned exercise, she is already performing a low level of aerobic exercise daily. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just beginning an exercise program, exercising during pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and baby.