Search Results for: suspect
What To Do If You Suspect Your Child Might Have A Speech And/Or Language Delay
1. Become well versed with developmental milestonesincluding speech and language milestones. This way you can be clear of what the expectations are at the different ages and various stages along the continuum of development (do a search on the web for developmental milestones and you will be provided with a ton of resources to guide you). <
Rethink Your Concept of Conditional Love
Rethink Your Concept of Conditional Love
Is Your Thyroid to Blame?
Did you know that having an abnormally high or low thyroid can cause you to miscarry and wreak havoc on your body? January is Thyroid Awareness Month? I thought talking about how vital our thyroid is to our body functions, including pregnancy, would be a great way to start the year off. One of the…
Are You Living With A Housework Saboteur?
Bathroom company Victoria Plumb (UK) has proven what many women have always suspected. Their survey of 2,000 people found that 30% of men deliberately sabotage domestic chores to avoid being asked to do them again. The chores these naughty fellows admitted to intentionally performing poorly, not surprisingly, include the jobs we all hate doing -…
Mean Boys Are Just As Bad As Mean Girls
“Mom, can I ask you something?” my son asked me this as he put away his backpack after coming home from school. “Of course”, I answer, slicing apples and spooning out peanut butter for a snack. “What’s up?” “Why does everyone think I am such a loser? How come no one likes me?” I put…