3 mins read

How to Decide to Keep or Terminate a Pregnancy

Deciding whether to keep or terminate a pregnancy can be an emotional decision. Women face this decision for a variety of reasons, such as an unplanned pregnancy or learning the baby has a life-threatening disease and is not likely to survive. In each case, the decision is intensely personal. Though you can get input from the important people in your life, ultimately, it’s your body and your choice. No one should make this choice for you.

2 mins read

Upper Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy

If you have upper abdominal pain during pregnancy, it’s not necessarily to automatically switch into panic mode, according to the March of Dimes. But any severe and long-lasting stomach pain or discomfort accompanied by dizziness or bleeding is considered a medical emergency; prompt medical help is essential in such circumstances to protect you and your future son or daughter.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Implantation & Bleeding Symptoms

One of the earliest signs that a woman is expecting a baby happens about six to 12 days after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association. When the embryo implants itself into the uterus, light implantation bleeding can result as well as other symptoms, such as lower back pain. However, some pregnancy-related bleeding might indicate potential problems and even miscarriages, according to the Mayo Clinic.