4 mins read

Edible Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Keeping children busy during the Thanksgiving holidays requires creative thinking on your part, especially when you have plenty of things to do. One way you can keep your children entertained for hours is by having them do crafty activities, which will keep their little fingers busy. Creating edible crafts will also give your children a reward in the end – eating the tasty treats they created!

5 mins read

Mommy, Does This Make Me Look Fat?

I have sons, which shields me from some of the oddities of the young female set. Not to say that boys dont have their own sets of peculiarities. But as the mother of boys, there are a few things I just dont have to deal with. I know, Im a girl, but there are some things Im glad I dont have to deal with. For instance, boys generally dont have to change into new outfits several times a day.

2 mins read

Healthy Cereal for Kids

There’s no doubt that breakfast is an important meal and cereal is an easy choice for busy families. Though some cereals are a healthy solution, many more are nutritional wastelands, offering little but calories. Though it’s intimidating to stare down the long line of boxes in the cereal aisle, it’s important to make the right choice for your children.

3 mins read

Low-Sugar Foods for Children

Keeping your kids both happy and healthy means having lots of choices that they can choose from, while avoiding sugar substitutes. In addition, you’ll want to look at the nutrition facts labels to find how much sugar each of those products contains per serving. To determine if those are natural or added sugars, you’ll need to examine the list of ingredients and look for — in addition to sugar — corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, honey or molasses.

4 mins read

Vitamins to Help Grow in Height

Children cannot wait to grow taller; they think that when they are taller they can do just about anything, whether it is riding the roller coaster or playing basketball. Parents, on the other hand, want to see their children grow up in height because it is a sign of good health. No matter what their motives, both parents and children share a common goal that is achievable through proper nutrition. Certain vitamins can help children grow taller. These vitamins are available in food and dietary supplements.