2 mins read

The Best Home Business Ideas for Moms

The best home-based businesses for moms allow for flexible scheduling and the ability to earn a predictable income. Moms who work from home often do so to avoid putting their children in child care and to work around their children’s school and activities schedules. Since many work from home jobs can be scams, finding a legitimate home-based business is essential.

5 mins read

Best Careers for Single Moms

Single moms usually need jobs that offer some degree of flexibility along with being able to earn enough income to support their families. While some industries suit the needs of a single parent better than others, the tradeoff for more flexible working hours is often accepting a lower salary. Fortunately, there are professions such as working in real estate, sales, public relations, education or health care, which allow a mom going it alone to be available for her children and earn a decent living besides.