3 mins read

The Average Breast Size of a Woman

Breasts are significant features of the female anatomy. Girls may start to develop breasts as early as 8 years old, but breast development may not start until the early teens. Most women’s breasts are fully developed by the time they reach their early 20s, and breast size will remain fairly stable, though it may fluctuate due to overall weight gain or pregnancy. Breast size is unique to each woman and is generally dictated by genetics.

2 mins read

Immediate Signs of Pregnancy

When you’re trying to get pregnant, you want to know as soon as possible that you are. This can lead you to look for the immediate signs of pregnancy. While there are certain signs that indicate you’re pregnant, you need to take them with a grain of salt — most signs also relate to PMS or other factors. Remember, though, that every woman is different, and you may not experience any early symptoms.

3 mins read

Toddlers With Chronic Diarrhea

It’s always frustrating when your child is suffering from diarrhea, but especially so when the diarrhea just won’t seem to go away. Chronic diarrhea isn’t caused by the same things that cause acute, or short-term, diarrhea, and the symptoms of the two differ. If you suspect your child is suffering from a condition that may be causing chronic diarrhea, make an appointment to speak to her pediatrician as soon as possible.

3 mins read

Signs of Hypertension During Pregnancy

Simple hypertension in pregnancy, also known as gestational hypertension, is not an unusual complication of pregnancy. Gestational hypertension is merely an elevation in blood pressure that needs to be monitored, but in some cases it can develop into a more serious condition known as pregnancy-induced hypertension. It’s important to be on the lookout for signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension, as it can often be a precursor to a life-threatening pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia.