Search Results for: undue stress
Hair Care for Kids
Hair care for children can be quite involved. Whether your child wants to wear long or short hair, it is important that the daily maintenance not cause undue stress for you or your child. You can take some steps to ensure that the hairstyle will not be difficult to maintain for either of you and that your child will still be able to have the hairstyle she wants.
7 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions
While most people don’t always manage to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, I am all for making goals and trying to reach them. What’s wrong with striving to improve your imperfections or change some bad habits?With that said, here are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions I’ve come across and some advice on how to actually achieve them:
Book Review: What To Expect When You’re Expecting
Our ModernMom Book Club is a way for our readers to express their thoughts and ideas on things they’ve read, sharing their insights with our community of moms. Join the conversation, and tell us what you thought about this book in the comment section below!
Yoga Poses for Kids
If you have never done yoga with children, you may be surprised to find out what poses they can do. Some children exhibit incredible flexibility; their smaller body masses make them almost capable of defying gravity. Teach children the basics first, particularly how to inhale and exhale through postures and movements to ensure that they keep themselves safe. Then, you can model simple yoga postures and help them to build up to doing a series of poses.
People Skills for Teenagers
The teenage years can be awkward and overwhelming. With all the changes and transitions from childhood to adulthood, teens can sometimes turn introverted or may lash out in frustration. Keep the path to adulthood a fairly bumpless one by facilitating your child’s relationships. By helping her navigate her friend, family and professional relationships, you can help her remain confident and in control.