3 mins read

Vitamins for Skin Care

No matter your age or station in life, smooth, clear, firm skin is one of the hallmarks of beauty. Glowing skin reflects a combination of healthy diet and careful skin care. The best skin care routine is a simple one, says Dr. David Leffell in his book, “Total Skin.” Wash once a day with a non-soap, and rinse once a day with plain water–no soap. In addition, eat a proper diet that includes vitamins to provide the building blocks your body needs to create and maintain healthy skin cells.

6 mins read

Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks

This is the second piece in a three-part series from Bright Beacon on energy drinks. Don’t miss the first part – Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? We all teach our kids to say no to drugs, but how many parents think to warn their children about the dangers of Red Bull?Here are five reasons why kids should stay away from energy drinks: 5. CAFFEINE – Heavy caffeine use has been linked to negative health effects. Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee, and they aren’t regulated by the FDA.

3 mins read

Diets to Use While Trying to Get Pregnant

For many women, getting pregnant isn’t as easy as just doing the deed. According to the Center for Human Reproduction, 20 to 30 percent of all infertility cases are a result of problems with egg maturation or its release from the ovaries each month, a condition called ovulatory infertility. The Nurses’ Health Study, a long-term research project following 18,000 women trying to get pregnant, shed some light on the relationship between diet and conception, proving that good nutrition is key.

3 mins read

Vegan Diet During Pregnancy

With your well-meaning but sometimes meddlesome mother or mother-in-law expressing concern about your eating habits if you are a vegan, it’s no wonder that you may doubt if you can remain a vegan throughout your pregnancy and have a healthy baby. Rest assured that it is safe and relatively simple to follow a healthy and nutritious vegan diet during your pregnancy, according to the Vegetarian Resource Group.