How to Win the Take-Your-Medicine Battle!
Weve all been a part of moments like this, some of us more often than others: Your child sits on one side of the table, eyeing you with suspicion. More specifically, eyeing what is in your hands. You are shielding your hands with little success, hoping that the popsicle you just gave your child a few minutes prior was a satisfactory peace offering. Your child backs away as you lean in.
Energy Drinks: The Danger Of Creating “Wide-Awake Drunks”
This is Part III of Bright Beacon’s series on Energy Drinks. Don’t miss Part 1 -“Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking?”and Part II -“Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks”What’s the number one reason why kids should avoid energy drinks?AlcoholWhile alcohol is not an explicit ingredient in energy drinks, recent news events have reminded us that adolescents frequently mix energy drinks …
Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks
This is the second piece in a three-part series from Bright Beacon on energy drinks. Don’t miss the first part – Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? We all teach our kids to say no to drugs, but how many parents think to warn their children about the dangers of Red Bull?Here are five reasons why kids should stay away from energy drinks: 5. CAFFEINE – Heavy caffeine use has been linked to negative health effects. Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee, and they aren’t regulated by the FDA.
Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking?
This is Part I of Bright Beacon’s series on Energy Drinks. Don’t miss Part II – “Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks”and Part III – Energy Drinks: The Danger Of Creating “Wide-Awake Drunks” Energy drinks are caffeinated beverages advertised as boosting the immune system, enhancing performance, and creating a buzz or a high. Most parents cannot differentiate between an energy drink and a carbonated soda. And even fewer can explain specifically to their kids why energy drinks might be unhealthy.
Grieving and Bullying: Difficult Realities In The Special Needs World
Here at there are many families who have had to deal with the idea that normal will never be part of their lives. This is usually a process of grieving and acceptance of a different type of life. Some may start the process feeling like they are losing a dream or will be missing something they thought they would always have. This is not easy and we wanted to give some insight as to how families deal with this and that through this grieving process, often families find a new form of normal tha