5 mins read

Pregnancy and Your Skin

For about 15 + years I have religiously been going to see Dayle Breault, the famous Goddess of Skin for my facials. (I say facials, but its so much more then just that.) Her treatments are a whole facial experience like nothing you have ever had before!!!

6 mins read

Girl Gangs: Why Women With Posses Have the Edge

Over 20 years ago, the night my first marriage ended, I spent hours dialing the phone. My husband had beaten me unconscious, Id given statements to the police in my wrecked living room, and then Id driven with my dog to City Hall to file a restraining order at midnight. But when I got back home at 2 am, bruised ribs and glass cuts on my face, the first thing I did was make several calls, all of which were as important to my survival as the police, a locksmith, a divorce lawyer, and a good therapist.

6 mins read

My “Like, Wow” Moment: Too Old For The Halloween Festival?

At 9:30 on Sunday morning, I sent my kids to religious school. This is the first year that both of my kids go on Sundays, and I have to tell you, I now totally get why my parents made me and my brother go to Hebrew school for so many years. It wasnt because they wanted me to learn Hebrew, or to become so well-versed in Judaism. Its because they got to have three hours to themselves every Sunday morning. Seriously, it all makes so much sense now.

3 mins read

Help for Teenage Anger

To a teen, a small issue can seem monumental and lead to serious emotional distress. Some teens can deal with this distress internally and settle themselves down, while others are unable to handle these natural fits of anger. If your teen seems quick to anger, you can help him overcome this tendency. By learning about the ways in which teens can develop anger control and guiding your struggling child to these resources, you can reduce the likelihood that anger continues to get the best of your kid.

3 mins read

How to Treat a Bipolar Child

It can be quite challenging to deal with the mood swings and unpredictable behavior characteristic of bipolar disorder. If your child suffers from this chemical imbalance–related disorder, you will likely have to become well-versed in behavior modification and exercise creativity when dealing with the challenges presented by this disorder. With consistency and dedication to the task, you can make the task of dealing with your child’s bipolar disorder a bit more manageable and help your child develop the coping skills necessary to navigate life with this mental illness.