2 mins read

How to Do Yoga Exercises for Rock Hard Abs

Achieving firm, sculpted abs is a fitness goal for many people and often one of the most challenging areas of the body to tone. Yoga is an excellent choice if you want to create rock hard abs with good muscle definition and long lean lines. Yoga is low impact and easily modified for your personal fitness level, but slight adjustments and special care can increase the benefits to the abdominal muscles.

3 mins read

Yoga Ball Exercises for Women

Yoga balls, also called fitness or stability balls, are large, inflatable balls that help you improve your balance while working your abdominal, back and pelvic — or core — muscles. A variety of standard exercises can be made more challenging by performing them on a yoga ball. Make sure you get a ball that is the right size for your height. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle when you sit on the ball, according to MayoClinic.com.

2 mins read

How to Reduce Abdominal Fat With Yoga Stretching Exercises

Yoga is known for relaxation and meditation; however, it can also be effective in toning the body. Yoga is a unique form of exercise because it engages the core in each pose whether you are actively using the abdominal muscles or breathing to facilitate an easier flow of movement. There are yoga poses you can do to reduce abdominal fat. Remember that eating a diet low in fat and doing cardiovascular exercise in conjunction with these exercises will aid in the elimination of the fat, as well.

3 mins read

Posture Exercises for Kids

Children can be terrible slouchers! You know the symptoms- shoulders down, stomach out, back hunched. There is no time like the present for your kids to learn good habits. In fact, the sooner, the better. Even if you children do not have medical conditions, such as scoliosis, which cause back problems, they can still benefit from doing posture exercises. After all, many children spend part of their days in rigid school chairs or slouched on couches watching television or playing video games. Keep exercises short and pain-free to ensure they stick with the routine! And maybe skip balancing books on their head…