3 mins read

Women-Friendly Porn? Yes, It’s Possible

Looking for some online smut to watch with your partner-in-crime–or just by yourself? Certainly, there’s no shortage of porn, nudity and other X-rated material when you are surfing the web. But what if you are getting bored of seeing the same bleached blond sorority-type with the pierced nipples and boob job getting gang-banged by five douchey-looking bros in some guy’s apartment?

3 mins read

Women-Friendly Porn? Hmmm…

Looking for some online smut to watch with your partner-in-crime–or just by yourself? Certainly, there’s no shortage of porn, nudity and other X-rated material when you are surfing the web. But most of it is geared toward guys and most women (not all!) are just not into it. The truth is this: Not all porn sites are created equal. And contrary to popular belief, not all porn has to be just about some spray tanned dude dominating on a girl. Here are some more women friendly options:

7 mins read

Freezing My Eggs: The Good, The Sad, My Story…

This morning, a FedEx box arrived containing $3,300 worth of medications. And so begins the process of freezing (hopefully without scrambling) my eggs. Its a miracle! says my best friend Jen, the mother of two. Youre so lucky that you have the choice to extend your fertility, remarks a 44 year-old woman who tried IVF the past several years but failed, and is now using an egg donor and surrogate to have a child. OMG, do it! texts a man my age whose 42 year-old fiance has had two miscarriages over the past two years.

5 mins read

Peas and Carrots, Carrots and Peas! A Choice in Ending Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity starts young and I am starting to understand why. I was shocked as a first time mother and nutritionist to see the lunch menu options for the two year olds at my sons daycare. The hot lunch program as it is promoted in most daycare centers consists of corn dogs, fries, pizza, cheese burgers, taquitos and some other fried food options. Nutrient VOID foods. I actually thought I would not be dealing with the school fast food challenge till my son was in high school! What a shocker. I Have to Admit…