5 mins read

Back to School Safety Tips for Parents

Summer is drawing to a close, and we are getting our kids ready for back to school. So we asked our mom friends if they had any questions or concerns about their children’s safety. Here are a few of the top concerns: Question #1: Walking to School My child will be walking to school this…

5 mins read

Be Your Kid’s Best Parent, Not Their Best Friend!

Mom, are you my friend? (and we are not talking Facebook Friend here.) Those are the 5 words my son asked me. That small question made me think – how do I want to answer this? It had me pondering what other mothers thought about the idea of being their childs friend. But before I share their thoughts, let me tell you my own. “No, I am not your friend, I am your mom, is what I told my 10-year-old son. But the conversation didnt stop there – he went on to ask me if I was friends with my own parents. That one was an easy answer – “No” – and although my parents weren’t always perfect, one thing they definitely did do right is that they never tried to be my friend (at least until I became an adult).

5 mins read

10 Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating

With Halloween approaching, parents are mindful of how to keep their kids safe on the most ghoulish of nights. As child safety experts, we’re sure a blog about safety on Halloween isn’t surprising, but we promise this wont be a long boring blog Just a short one to give you a few tips to make it a safe and fun evening for all.