6 mins read

Summer Shaving Style: Do You Go Bald or Burly?

To me, shaving is an interesting aspect of being a female, since it is more of a beauty routine than a hygienic or health necessity. For some cultures and women, shaving is neither interesting and nor necessary. However, in our society, it is noticed. For some, hair on the face or under the arms can be embarrassing and women seek to have it removed.

4 mins read

Getting Ready for Baby: What to Buy?

In preparing for the birth of a new baby, moms-to-be want to know what they need to ensure that they are ready to welcome the baby home. Parents want to be prepared with the essential items to help ensure a safe and comfortable environment when they come from the hospital, such as a sturdy crib, stroller and car seat, soft bedding and enough blankets.

7 mins read

Grandmothering 101

A few weeks ago, I posted some advice to a grandmother-to-be seeking information on how to be a good grandmother. While many of you reading this are pregnant or mothers of young children – your mother (or mother-in-law) may appreciate this information, especially if there is tension in your relationship.