2 mins read

Twins And Birthday Parties: Do You Have To Invite Both?

How do you handle twins and birthday parties? As a mother of two sets of twins, the daughter of twins, and the daughter-in-law of twins (crazy, huh?) Im tackling this issue with a lot of experience. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions: 1. If you invite a child to a birthday party, should you invite his or her twin as well, even if they are not in the same class?

3 mins read

Talking To Your Kids About All That Chaz

You never know when those important moments are going to pop up. My kids and I were strolling along the Walkway Over The Hudson (which I highly recommend for New Yorkers!) and someone walked by us,prompting my daughter to ask, Was that a boy or a girl?

3 mins read

What to Do When Kids Fight for Attention

My husband and I learned soon into the process of parenting two children (which soon multiplied into four children) that each needed, wanted and deserved his or her own special time. In the multi-tasking mayhem of a typical family day, it is simply impossible to dedicate quantity based special time to each of our children each day.