3 mins read

Lice Prevention in Schools

The common cold is the only communicable health problem that beats out lice at the school age, according to MayoClinic.com. The small insects lay eggs, called nits, on the hair shaft to continue the population in the hair. The insects travel from one head to the next through direct contact with another person’s hair or things that have touched the hair, such as brushes, scarves and hair clips. School prevention methods keep lice infestations to a minimum.

3 mins read

Ideal Weight for Children

Identifying the ideal weight for a child is a challenge because of the various factors involved. A healthy weight range is a more realistic way to assess a child’s health and need to lose weight. Early identification of weight problems in children allows an early intervention to avoid more serious health complications down the road.

2 mins read

Child Back Pain

An aching back causes discomfort and can interfere with daily activities, depending on the severity. While rare, children sometimes experience back pain just like adults do. The causes of the back pain vary and sometimes include serious medical conditions. Evaluating your child’s back pain allows you to determine the need for medical interventions.

2 mins read

Pregnancy After 40

Health risks to both mother and baby increase with age. While a woman over 40 can successfully give birth to a full-term, healthy baby, she might face more difficulties getting to the delivery day without complications. Preparing for the potential risks and taking steps to reduce problems increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy later in life.

3 mins read

Kidney Stones in Women

Kidney stones form in the kidney from high levels of a particular substance in the urine. The types of kidney stones vary, based on the excess material in the kidney. The stones vary in size and may move from the kidney into the urinary tract. Larger kidney stones often become stuck with painful results. While men are more likely to have kidney stones, women also experience this condition.