3 mins read

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection in Pregnancy

The odds you’ll get a yeast infection increase during pregnancy. They’re especially likely to happen in your seconds trimester when hormonal changes cause the vaginal environment to be more hospitable to yeast. Even though yeast infections may feel serious and cause you serious discomfort, they’re not dangerous and don’t pose any risk to your baby. Some symptoms of a yeast infection can be mistaken for changes in your vaginal fluid, so be sure to ask your doctor right away if you suspect an infection so she can confirm and start treatment as necessary.

4 mins read

Healthy Body Weight for Kids

Kids make up a significant portion of the rising obesity rates in the United States. Being overweight as a kid increases the odds that you’ll be overweight later in life, and that you’ll develop obesity-related medical conditions. As a parent, you may be better off looking at your child’s health and the quality of his diet than the numbers on the scale as you work toward getting him to his healthy weight.

3 mins read

Detox While Pregnant

Commercial detoxes and fad-diet flushes can be dangerous even when you aren’t pregnant. Add a fragile fetus to the mix, and detoxes could mean bad news for your body and your baby. Detoxes often use dangerous stimulants and herbs that are not be safe to use during pregnancy. If you feel like you need to detox while carrying your child, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and a few lifestyle changes can help you remove toxins from your body in a safe and effective way.

3 mins read

How Many Calories Does a Teenage Boy Need Each Day?

You might wake up one day to find your teenage boy has eaten you out of house and home. This can be a normal part of teenage development. His appetite may increase during growth spurts or as a result of puberty’s many changes. His eating will probably balance out as he gets older. On the other hand, if your teen is underweight or suffers from obesity, his calorie consumption might be of some concern to you.