2 mins read

Faster Hair Growth for Women

Many women enjoy changing hairstyles to keep up with the latest trends. Although short styles take little time to achieve, longer hairstyles require patience and time. While genetics plays an important role in determining the rate of hair growth, certain practices can help prevent breakage and encourage long, healthy strands of hair.

2 mins read

Is Having Sex When Pregnant Good or Bad?

Pregnant women often wonder if having sex can affect pregnancy. In deciding whether to have sex while you are expecting, consider a number of factors including your stage of pregnancy, existing health factors and the type of sex you enjoy. Certain symptoms during pregnancy require forgoing sex and may even necessitate an immediate trip to your doctor’s office.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Trimesters

Your pregnancy is a time of rapid changes for both you and your developing baby. Health professionals commonly refer to the stages of pregnancy as trimesters. Normal pregnancies last approximately 40 weeks from the time of menstruation to delivery. Each trimester includes certain developmental milestones for your baby.

2 mins read

Pneumonia Symptoms

Pneumonia is a lung condition that can range in seriousness from mild to life threatening. Older individuals and patients with impaired immune systems or chronic illness are often at higher risk for developing serious complications from pneumonia. Recognize the common symptoms of pneumonia and contact your doctor for a correct diagnosis of your condition.

2 mins read

Water Exercise During Pregnancy

Although you may feel tired and ungainly when you are expecting a new baby, pregnancy is no time to stop exercising. Regular exercise provides numerous benefits to help you stay fit and toned. While your increased weight may make some exercises difficult or painful, water exercise provides buoyancy that helps ease the impact of movements and provides cushioning.