2 mins read

Excessive Hair Growth for Women

While many women wish for thick hair on their head, few appreciate excessive body or facial hair. Normal hair growth for women varies, depending on cultural factors and race. Hirsutism is the term that refers to excessive hair growth in women. Although a common condition, hirsutism may signal an underlying disorder that requires medical attention.

2 mins read

Remedy for Cold Feet

Everybody experiences cold feet from time to time. The best treatment for cold feet depends on the cause of the condition. A variety of circumstances, including certain illnesses and lack of appropriate insulation, may lead to a cold feeling in your feet and toes. While simple self-help measures may return the feeling of warmth to your feet, certain medical conditions may require professional treatment.

2 mins read

Spinning Class During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can lead you to evaluate many aspects of your life, including your level of physical fitness. Exercising during your pregnancy can supply numerous benefits. Spinning classes provide group environments that can help encourage and motivate you to stay active. Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise routine, including signing up for a spinning class, during your pregnancy.