3 mins read

Risks for Older Pregnant Mothers

Although delaying pregnancy until you are older may be a good idea for security and financial reasons, it may also carry considerable health risks to you and the baby. It is known in the obstetrical field that mothers who are over the age of 35 are considered to be of advanced maternal age. While the risks for some conditions become higher as you get older, most older women are still delivering healthy babies.

3 mins read

Epidural Side Effects in Pregnancy

Epidural analgesia is the most popular form of pain relief for laboring moms in the United States. The medication is given continuously through a catheter that is inserted in the epidural space in the back. It provides effective pain relief during labor and birth, but it can have numerous side effects. All risks and benefits of an epidural should be carefully considered before a decision is made.

3 mins read

When to Call the Doctor During a Pregnancy

Throughout your pregnancy, you will see a health care provider who will check for routine things, such as blood pressure and fetal movement, to determine that both of you are healthy. However, there are times when you may feel that symptoms are out of the normal range. Trust your instincts. If you feel that something is not OK with you or your baby, and you are concerned, it should be checked. Most things, if caught early enough, can be treated without further complications.