3 mins read

List of Foods That a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Can Eat

Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy. Eating a diet that is high enough in nutrients is a concern for some vegetarians. If you are a vegan, you do not eat any animal products including dairy and eggs, so getting enough protein and calcium takes some dietary planning. Lacto-ovo vegetarians get protein from the dairy and eggs they eat, but women still need to pay attention to getting enough iron in their diet.

2 mins read

Gardening & Organic Pest Control

Growing beautiful flowers, fruits and vegetables sometimes means battling against leaf-chomping pests and disfiguring diseases. Organic pest control involves a combination of smart planning and picking your battles in the garden. When you forgo all chemical pesticides, you may give up a few petals or a some peas in the pod, but the trade-off is a safe garden for your family and your pets.

3 mins read

Easter Games for Kids & Adults

Easter can bring out the kid in even the most serious adults, and Easter party games give parents a chance to share the joy of spring with their children. When weather allows, parties can take place entirely outside–Easter brunch served on the patio can segue smoothly into races and treasure hunts. A large central table piled with baskets and treats helps create a central gathering place where hosts can explain the rules and prizes for the games.

3 mins read

Information on Pregnancy After 40

Pregnancy after 40 can be an exciting, yet daunting, proposition. People might say you are too old to get pregnant. Once you are pregnant, some whisper that you are too old to be a mother. Focus on your health and ignore your critics. You need to know certain things about being pregnant over 40. Learn the basics, follow up with your doctor, and make informed choices.

2 mins read

Why Do Women Want to Get Married?

Marriage is an old institution created primarily for young people. In previous centuries, many women got married out of necessity. They needed protection, food and shelter, all things they were unable to provide for themselves. Today, women have independence and protection under the law, but marriage is still popular. Romantic love replaced marriages of convenience or strategy, but the reasons some women want to marry are not necessarily romantic in nature.