3 mins read

Why Is My Child Bed-Wetting?

Children rarely wet the bed on purpose or because they’re too lazy to get up, so it doesn’t do any good to punish your child or get angry with him for doing so. Bed-wetting is a medical condition called enuresis. About 5 to 7 million children in the United States have this problem, most of them boys. Bed-wetting usually clears up on its own by the time a child is 6 years old.

3 mins read

OCD Treatment for Children

The behaviors associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder can seem strange to people who don’t have it. You might wonder, for example, why your child washes her hands repeatedly, even when they are clean, why your child must count to 10 every time she enters a certain room or why she checks to make sure she closed her door over and over again. People with OCD have an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in thoughts they can’t get rid of. These thoughts lead the OCD sufferer to have strong urges to engage in rituals to banish or ward off the thoughts. The problem with these thoughts and rituals is that they interfere with daily life. Children as young as 5 can have OCD, but the good news is that advances in treatment are being made all the time.

3 mins read

Is My Child Depressed?

Children aren’t always going to run around and play. Sometimes, they are going to get sad. While it may be troubling to see your child experiencing sadness, this is normal and doesn’t mean your child is depressed. If the sadness lasts a long time, however, or if this sadness disrupts normal activities, your child may be depressed. If so, you can treat the condition.

2 mins read

Food for Hyperactive Kids

If you have a hyperactive kid who can drive you nuts, you may literally want to feed him nuts. The thought behind a diet for hyperactive kids is that certain foods may help the brain function better by decreasing the symptoms that hyperactive kids have, such as being restless and unable to focus. Certain foods, such as proteins — which include nuts — are brain food.

3 mins read

The Average Cost of Braces for Kids

When your baby gets her first tooth, it’s a milestone worthy of a celebration. But when she gets older and your dentist recommends braces, perhaps because of an overbite, crooked or crowded teeth, you might need to brace yourself literally for some sticker shock. Braces are expensive, and even if you have dental insurance, it may not cover much of the cost.