3 mins read

Healthy Protein Shakes for Women

While most Americans consume enough protein-rich foods to satisfy their daily recommended allowance, women often have specific issues or periods in their lives when an added dose of protein is especially important, such as when pregnant, nursing, or menopausal. Add in a hectic, fast-paced lifestyle that often makes eating on the run a necessity and it’s easy to see why healthy protein shakes are a winner when it comes to adding extra nutrition to your diet.

3 mins read

Top Rated Baby Monitors

You’ve got your nursery set up, but you want to be assured that when you place your baby in her crib you’ll be able to hear her when she needs you. Thankfully, the 21st century has ushered in some advanced technology and cool gadgets that have made the search for the perfect baby monitor easier. Parents today also have the benefit of the Internet, which allows you to read consolidated reviews of top-rated monitors, such as these ranked among the best by Consumer Search.

4 mins read

Different Foods to Eat During Pregnancy at Different Stages

Proper nutrition is one of the pivotal considerations in maintaining a healthy pregnancy. While your baby is undergoing rapid development and growth, your own body is changing at an alarming rate, nurturing not one, but two people. Ideally, your pregnancy diet should consist of a wide range of healthy foods, but certain stages of pregnancy call for extra doses of specific nutrients.