2 mins read

Healthy Eating for Overweight Kids

Being overweight puts your child at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease and asthma, along with the teasing that comes from his peers. If you make unhealthy choices for you and your family, your child is only naturally going to emulate what he sees and hears from you. It’s up to you to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy behavior.

2 mins read

Losing Weight Early in Pregnancy

When you first learn that you’re pregnant, your mind may wander to the inevitable weight gain. Women are expected to gain weight while pregnant, but it doesn’t always happen at a half-pound per week. You may lose weight one week and gain more the next. Still, it’s important to know when you should be concerned about losing weight early in pregnancy and when it’s not a big deal.

3 mins read

Brands of Home Pregnancy Tests

A home pregnancy tests will let you know whether you’re pregnant long before you can get in to see the doctor. When you go out to purchase one — or three — however, you’ll find that there are many different versions of the tests. There are benefits to all types, so be sure to choose the one that’s right for you.

2 mins read

How Do I Remove Chicken Pox Scars?

Chicken pox is a common childhood illness, but it can leave a nasty reminder of its presence — unsightly scars. The scars that you get from chicken pox are atrophic, which means that they leave a dent in the skin rather that being a raised pink mark. If you have chicken pox scars, you may want to remove them.

2 mins read

Can I Safely Lose Weight During Pregnancy?

Many women are concerned about the weight that they’ll gain during pregnancy, but it’s important to note that some weight gain is necessary in most pregnancies. The weight that you gain isn’t all fat — most of it is your baby, placenta, increased blood flow and other things that you need to support your baby. Pregnancy is not the time to try to lose weight, but it’s safe in some cases.