3 mins read

Weight Gain During Early Pregnancy

As your baby grows inside you, you gain additional weight as well. In a healthy pregnancy, you would gain weight gradually throughout the entire time, but weight gain during early pregnancy can fluctuate wildly. Know how much weight your doctor expects you to gain can help you plan your lifestyle to meet these goals.

2 mins read

The Best Type of Dogs for Children

Any dog that you take into your home is going to become a part of your family, so it’s smart to choose the right one from the start. Once your kids start clamoring for a dog of their own, you want to look into the different available breeds. Some types of dogs are better with children than others, but you never know which dog will capture your heart.

2 mins read

Is My Baby Developing Normally?

Every parent hopes that their child is healthy and develops normally — or even better than normally. Competition between parents whose babies are reaching developmental milestones can leave you worrying that your baby is not doing as well as he should be. Discuss your concerns with your doctor, but in most cases your baby is developing just as he should.

2 mins read

Wading Pools for Kids

When the weather heats up, you want your kids to cool down. Wading pools present a safe and fun way for young children to beat the heat. However, you need to take care to treat the wading pool with the same seriousness of a regular pool. Dangers lurk in the wading pool as well.