Weight Gain During Early Pregnancy
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Weight Gain During Early Pregnancy

As your baby grows inside you, you gain additional weight as well. In a healthy pregnancy, you would gain weight gradually throughout the entire time, but weight gain during early pregnancy can fluctuate wildly. Know how much weight your doctor expects you to gain can help you plan your lifestyle to meet these goals.

What’s Normal

In general, you should aim to gain 25 to 35 lbs during pregnancy, assuming that you started at a normal weight and are carrying only one baby. Underweight women should gain more, and overweight women should gain less. Web MD recommends gaining just 2 to 4 lbs during your first trimester, with more significant weight gain coming later in the pregnancy. Women who experience intense morning sickness may actually lose weight.

Dangers of Too Much

During the second and third trimesters, you’re expected to gain about a half lb to a lb per week. If you gain too much during the first trimester, you cannot make up for it by gaining less during the other two trimesters. Gaining a lot of weight in your first trimester will lead to greater overall weight gain, which you may have trouble losing once you give birth. Additionally, the Los Angeles Times reports that women who gain a lot of weight early in their pregnancies are more likely to develop gestational diabetes.

Eating for Weight Gain

You should not restrict your calories when pregnant. However, you don’t have to eat any additional calories during your first trimester. Focus your diet on low-calorie foods that keep you full like vegetables and fruits. Eating a lot of junk foods will cause you to gain too much weight.

Dealing With Aversions and Cravings

It’s common for pregnant women to experience food aversions and cravings, particularly in the first trimester when morning sickness rears its ugly head. If you have aversions to healthy foods, try to find alternative foods that contain the same levels of nutrition. For example, if you can’t stand dairy products, look for vegetables that are high in calcium, such as broccoli and spinach. If you’re craving foods that aren’t healthy, look for healthier versions — a burger and fries is high in calories if you buy it at a fast food restaurant, but if you make it at home by baking the fries and using a fat-reducing grill, you can save yourself a lot of calories.

Exercise to Prevent Weight Gain

Exercise burns calories and can help you to keep your pregnancy weight gain in check. You should be able to maintain your regular workout plan early in pregnancy. Walking, swimming and using an elliptical machine are all good choices. Best of all, exercising while you are pregnant can help alleviate some of the common aches and pains associated with pregnancy.

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