3 mins read

Baby Brain Growth

During a baby’s first several years of life, his brain grows at an impressive rate, transforming him from a seemingly responseless — yet adorable — lump to a child capable of communicating and expressing emotion. As you watch your infant make this transition, consider the factors at play within his brain and develop an understanding of what you can do to ensure that his brain develops as effectively as possible.

3 mins read

Healthy Diets for Babies

While it may seem easy to please the palate of a baby, it is important to remember that the food you feed this infant during his first year of life can have an effect on his development and, by connection, his future health. When selecting items to add to your infant’s diet, consider the potential health benefits of each. Ensure that you are making wise choices for your baby as he is not yet able to make them for himself.

3 mins read

Early Signs of Teenage Mental Illness

No parent wants her teen to struggle with the complication and confusion associated with mental illness; however, all too frequently teens are forced to bear the burden of this mental challenge. While nothing you can do can prevent your teen from developing a mental illness, you can watch for signs so you can catch any metal illnesses that do strike early, and therefore respond more effectively.

2 mins read

Overweight Kids

Obesity was once largely uncommon in always-on-the-move kids; however, in recent decades, the number of children tipping the scales above the desired weight has increased precipitously. Now many children are already on the road to health problems due to the carrying of extra weight. If you are concerned about your child’s weight, consider the importance of weight maintenance, what being overweight could mean and how you, as the custodian of your child’s diet, can help him maintain a healthy body weight.

3 mins read

My Child Won’t Sit Still

Much to the chagrin of many moms, sitting still is often not possible for children. While nearly all children exhibit some periods of high-energy, bounce-off-the-wall behavior, some kids are even more energetic and pose a serious challenge to parents. To determine what you can do to help calm your child, you must both consider why he is so prone to movement and take steps to equip him with the tools to maintain control during these periods of high energy.