2 mins read

Autism Awareness Activities

Autism is a sensory disorder that affects millions of American children and adults. While nearly everyone has heard of the disorder, many fail to realize the impact that autism has on the way the autistic person interacts with his outside world. By engaging adults or children in autism awareness activities, you can help them develop a better understanding of autism.

4 mins read

How to Talk to Kids About ADHD

ADHD is a behavioral disorder that is continually growing in prevalence, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stating that, as of 2009, between 3 and 7 percent of all school age children reportedly suffer from some form of this disorder. If you child is an ADHD suffer, consider ways in which you can speak with him about his behavioral challenges. By approaching ADHD-related conversations carefully, you can help your child both gain a better understanding of the challenges he faces and work to overcome these not insurmountable behavioral difficulties.

3 mins read

Kids’ Games for Preschool

Much of the information that your preschool kid will learn in her first years of schooling will come from game play and interactive activity. By engaging your child in educational games, you can help her develop the academic skills necessary for later life. Not only are many games intellectually enriching, they also provide a productive way for you to help your kid pass some time.

3 mins read

Math Homework Games

Mastering the complex concepts of math proves challenging for many students. This subject can be made easier to grasp. Prepare homework games for him to complete as an enjoyable way to build his math skills and make the task of attacking this discipline a bit less intimidating. Instead of chaining your kid to his desk and asking him to toil and struggle through his math lessons, get him up and moving and fully engaged in the subject of math.