2 mins read

Decorating a Baby Nursery Room

Decorating your baby’s nursery is one of the pregnancy milestones that expecting parents look forward to. Creating the space that your soon-to-be baby will call her own takes careful planning and preparation. Since you and your baby will be spending lots of time in the nursery, creating a safe and soothing environment is essential.

1 min read

How to Surprise Your Grandparents About a Pregnancy

For your grandparents, learning that a fourth generation is being added to the family will likely be exciting news. While you can always call them and simply say ,”We’re pregnant,” news of this magnitude is best delivered with a little planning and preparation. Delivering the news in a planned and special way will also allow you to capture their response in photos or video. When your child is older, you will then have the opportunity to show him just how excited his great-grandparents were to learn he would be joining the family.