4 mins read

Homework that WORKS!

A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal sent moms into a tizzy with the book review of the “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” That story got more hits on their web site than any other ever had. Talk about hitting a nerve. Following were many rebuttals in defense of the “lazy Western moms.” What we really need is moderation.

2 mins read

Bullying and Beyond: Raising Safe Kids

Recently I attended a parenting talk by Joel Haber, author of Bullyproofing Your Child For Life. Most parenting seminars that I attend are not very well attended, but this one was packed. Why? Bullying and Cyberbullying have become the trigger words for fear in parents. We recognize that we have limits in our ability to protect our children, and it seems that these are the catch-phrases for the danger that lurks beyond.

2 mins read

The Race

It has been quite a while now since I have had the chance to blog on Modern Mom. It has been a hectic few months, but with my youngest child making it to 3 years old, I am amazed at the changes that are taking place. I have four children, ranging in age from 3 to 9, 2 boys and 2 girls. I am filled with wonder as I am finally getting the opportunity to take a breath and watch their development and their interaction with one another.

2 mins read

Psychologically Safe Parenting

The other day my son had a sore on his lip. He has had these sores on and off throughout his life. He knows that we have medicine that will stop the spread of the virus, but he also knows that the medicine hurts. When I saw the sore, I told him that I was going to put the medicine on it. He screamed and pulled away. Eventually, after trying to reason with him, I tolds him that as much as I did not want to, his father and I would need to force him to put the medicine on because a) it would save him long-term pain, and b) it would protect others from the spread of the virus.

12 mins read

Preventing Risky Behavior

The statistics are frightening: *One-in-four girls aged 14-19 in the United States have at least one of the five most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), based on data analyzed by the CDC.