4 mins read

Is Staying At Home With Your Kids Really A Job?

Is staying at home with your children, instead of working outside the home, really a job? This was the topic of discussion on The Today Show with Al, Willie and Tamron. A blogger mom wrote a blog post recently that is causing quite a stir of emotions among the stay at home mommy community. In…

4 mins read

How To Use Elf On The Shelf For Good

It's that time of year again... Soon and very soon in houses across the world, well at least America anyway, children will be waking up to an ornery little Elf that has been caught doing some kind of mischievous act. Oh yes, it's the only time of year that it is acceptable to teach kids…

3 mins read

12 Days Of Christmas From The Hood~Motherhood!

On the first day of Christmas my children gave to me a big fat headache. On the second day of Christmas my children gave to me two messy rooms and a big fat headache. On the third day of Christmas my children gave to me three screams and shouts, two messy rooms and a big…

5 mins read

Laundry Laundry Everywhere

We partnered with Tide® PODS for the following post. "Mom, where's my jersey? Pants? Socks? Underwear?" These are phrases that I often hear coming out of the mouths of my children. When you're a mom, especially a mom to multiple children, laundry tends to become the center of your life. If you think about it, the…