4 mins read

Beautiful Baby Shower Craft Ideas

I am pregnant with my third child and due in six weeks. My girlfriends asked to throw me a baby shower, and somehow I just didn’t feel right about asking my friends for more gifts, and putting my hostesses through all that work, not to mention the expense. Fine and welcome for my first baby, but the third? Not for me.

2 mins read

Adorable Heart Onesies for Twins

My dear friend Meghan is pregnant with twin girls!! So excited for her! Times two! For her shower gift, I put together a gift basket of my favorite products to share with a new mommy. I included these adorable onesies I made, just to personalize and soften the basket full of tubes and jars. These onesies are about as simple of a sewing project you can get, and the mommy to be is sure to love, love, love you for them! The whole project from start to finish took me 20 minutes. Supplies

4 mins read

DIY Clay Handprint Valentines

With Valentine’s day approaching, here is a fun and thoughtful craft you can do with your kids for your spouse, grandparents, aunties or BFF’s. You can transform a simple candy tin into a heartfelt memory your receiver will cherish for years to come. My girls and I just loved making this for their Daddy, and I lnow he is going to love it!” Supplies