My dear friend Meghan is pregnant with twin girls!! So excited for her! Times two!
For her shower gift, I put together a gift basket of my favorite products to share with a new mommy. I included these adorable onesies I made, just to personalize and soften the basket full of tubes and jars.
These onesies are about as simple of a sewing project you can get, and the mommy to be is sure to love, love, love you for them! The whole project from start to finish took me 20 minutes.
- Matching onesies. I always use 12m because I swear my babies all wore 12m at about 6m. I don’t know where all these petite, small, lanky babies the 12m onesie is designed to fit, but they sure ain’t at my house!
- Cute cotton fabric of your choice.
- Spray glue
- Scissors
- Sewing machine and matching thread. If you don’t have a sewing machine, never fear! Just hand stitch the edge with embroidery floss. A bit more time consuming, but would be even cuter, I think!
Start by finding a heart template online you like. I just Googled “heart” and I found one I liked. Reduce, or enlarge your image so it will fit on the front of the onesie. Print, cut, and trace on the back side of your pre-washed, ironed fabric.
(Super simple heart template)
Oh yeah. Good idea to pre-wash those onesies too.
Then, cut the fabric heart into two with a zigzag pattern.
(Cut in two pieces)
Spray glue the sides in place. This is the best trick EVER!! Keeps your applique right in place so it doesn’t bunch up in your machine. No pinning required.
Stick it under the needle and stitch with a zigzag! Right along the edge.
You’re done! Go get showered with compliments on a job well done!