3 mins read

Back To School On A Budget

Back-To-School season is an expensive time for families. As a mom of six kids, I know this too well. It’s Inventory Time! Go Through Those Closets – purge the stuff you no longer need, but keep an eye out for those little gems that are hand-me-down worthy. They are invaluable – we rely on hand-me-downs from older…

2 mins read

Back To School Goals for Mom

That time of year has hit again and while we’re busy getting kids organized for back to school, I’m reminding myself of some goals that will help all of us survive the season (and the year!) in a happy and successful way. Family Calendar Get it organized early. Make sure all information for every family…

6 mins read

Six Reasons to Have Six Kids

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure, there are some days when I wonder what Ive gotten myself into, worry about the world theyll inherit, and/or consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. Here are a few reasons why:

3 mins read

Back To School Tips For Kids With Allergies

The following is a guest post by Karma Bryan-Ingle For most parents, back to school time comes with a bit of anxiety. All of the typical questions arise Will my child have a teacher who is a good fit? Will he have friends in his class? Will he make new friends?

2 mins read

What I DON’T Want for Mother’s Day

Mothers Day is just around the corner and everyone is asking the moms what we want. Im a simple gal and not particularly high maintenance in the gifts department. I dont want flowers or jewelry for Mothers Day or any other occasion really. In fact, my perfect Mothers Day gift would be doing without some things.