1 min read

Another Edition of…”What Do I Do With This?”

We all have items we either throw away without even thinking of the possibilities we could be overlooking, or we have items we are holding onto figuring some day we can do something with it.Do you have any of these:Dental Floss – Use to resew ripped stitching in sneakersBroken Umbrellas – Use the fabric to repair snowsuits & nylon jacketsBread Tabs – Make ties that allow balloons to be reused. Slit a tab, put the twisted end of an inflated balloon in the slit, wrap it around the tab once and put the end in the slit again.

1 min read

Are Cloth Diapers for You (Part 3)

Today we are going to talk about how to prolong the life of cloth diapers. Knowing the best way to care for them will help you save money. According to Gerber, using bleach or detergent with bleach or softeners will prematurely wear out cloth diapers. Better solutions for cleaning are using white vinegar or borax added to the wash, using hot water and a hot dryer, or drying outside.

1 min read

Are Cloth Diapers For You? (Part 2)

Today we are going to cover how to wash cloth diapers. I know many people are turned off from using them because of the washing process. Here are the steps to cleaning them yourself:*Choose A Diaper Pail*Any 5 gallon bucket will do but it needs to have a lid.*Fill the bucket 3/4 full with water. To control odors you can add 1/4 cup of borax if you want.*Put wet but not soiled diapers and nylon pants diretly into the bucket to soak.

3 mins read

Share Your Great Thrift Store Finds

While I love my site, one of the challenges I have had is getting much reader participation. I know we all lead busy lives and might think the last thing I have time to do is upload a picture and e-mail it, but you would make my day with this project!

1 min read

Are Cloth Diapers For You?

Cloth diapers have definitely made a comeback in the last few years. So, if you are pregnant or still have a little one have you considered using them?If you are pregnant and want to use them for your baby get the word out early. That way you can receive them when you have a baby shower. Have you ever seen the diaper centerpieces at baby showers? They are so cute! The initial investment of cloth diapers is more expensive that a pack of disposable diapers, but they will pay for themselves within 7 weeks.