5 mins read

Osteopathy & Cranial Sacral Therapy – What Is It?

After giving birth, I suggest my clients bring their baby to see an osteopath for cranial sacral therapy. I have been seeing Dr. Payam Hakimi for years now and highly recommend him to all of my new mothers. Dr. Hakimi is the medical director at Body of Harmony in Beverly Hills.

5 mins read

Be a Healthier Mom for Healthier Kids

Each month, I give my clients a monthly theme: something to work on, think about, and practice doing to help them prepare themselves as mothers for the birthing of their children. This month I am choosing to work with my mothers on the theme of health.

4 mins read

Creating a Beautiful Space for Your Hospital Birth

Having a home birth can be a beautiful experience; natural lighting beaming through the windows, candles burning, music playing, while you are surrounded by loved ones and all your personal stuff. Nothing beats being in an atmosphere that makes you feel safe and cozy while giving birth to your baby.

4 mins read

Parenting Prep: Trust Yourself

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. – Doctor Spock Throughout the course of pregnancy into motherhood, people (with the best intentions) are going to project their views and ways onto you.