5 mins read

What’s Your Favorite Awkward Family Photo?

From braces and bad hair to long forgotten fashion mistakes, we all have photos from our past that we’d just as soon leave packed away in the attic gathering dust. But thanks to Doug Chernack and Mike Bender, those gawky and goofy pictures can be immortalized on the Internet, providing enjoyment to millions around the world. These two longtime friends are the brains behind Awkward Family Photos, a super popular blog based on reader submissions of… you guessed it: Awkward family photos.

6 mins read

Apple’s Big iPhone Launch Event & Keynote

Apple’s big keynote address just wrapped up and there’s still no iPhone 5, although there is a new phone and a new operating system hitting the market. Tim Cook, whohas headed up the company since Steve Jobs’ retirement in August, hosted the event at Apple’s Cupertino campus. He kicked off the event with Good morning, this is my first product launch since being named CEO.

5 mins read

Exclusive Interview With Jennifer Garner

Who doesn’t love Jennifer Garner? The fresh-faced beauty from West Virginia is an incredibly talented actress who defies typecasting. She was as convincing as an international assassin in “Elektra” as she was playing a gawky teenage girl trapped in an adult’s body in “13 Going On 30.” She’s also married to actor Ben Affleck, with two beautiful daughters and a third baby on the way.