2 mins read

Standardized Testing – Friend or Foe?

Pennsylvania mother of two Michelle Gray considers standardized testing a foe indeed. While other students attending Park Forest Elementary in State College, PA are participating in two weeks of standardized tests, Grays two children are spending their time elsewhere. Gray told CNN that she believes the tests cause unnecessary anxiety in students, dont accurately measure accomplishment, and are used to punish schools. Eight other parents have also decided to keep their children out of participating in testing this year, agreeing with Gray that the tests cause too much stress.

2 mins read

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

When you are constantly on-the-go taking care of your kids, organizing your home, or going to work, it is hard to remember to take care of yourself. A busy schedule doesnt allow time for you to catch a cold, so here are some ways to strengthen your immune system to keep your body healthy. Dietary Supplements