5 mins read

Why It Sucks To Be The Second Child

It sucks to be a second child. Being a first child myself, I always kind of knew this, but it wasnt until recently that Ive really come to understand just how hard it is.When I was a kid, I used to torture my poor little brother. My favorite line to use on him was that I was bigger, faster, smarter and stronger, and it made no difference to me whatsoever that I was only conferred those advantages because Id been born three and a half years before him. I didnt care that one day he would most certainly be bigger, faster, stronger, and maybe even smarter than me. At the time, he wasnt, and I let him know it whenever I got the chance. It wasnt until I took Psych 101 in college that I even thought about the damage I might have done to his self-esteem. But now that Im the parent of a big sister/little brother, Im really starting to see how awful it must have been.

4 mins read

What To Do When You Hit Maximum Crapacity

My daughter turned nine last week, and in the throes of planning her birthday party, the biggest question was not what type of cake to get, or how many pizzas, or what to give as party favors. Rather, the biggest question was: to gift, or not to gift?

4 mins read

The Art of Not Parenting

There are lots of difficult things you have to figure out when youre a parent. For example, how do you clean puke out of a shag carpet? What do you do with a pee-soaked mattress? Also, is it possible to get marbles out of a toilet? But oh, if only all of the problems of parenthood could be easily solved with a quick search of ehow, or a frantic call to Roto Rooter.