3 mins read

Why Your Man Should Eat Less Meat & More Veggies

Youve heard it over and over again Real Men Eat Meat! Now you might be asking yourself what does this have to do with us Modern Moms? Well, as moms, we want our kids fathers to be healthy, right? And how about having enough energy left over at the end of the day to spend quality (think sex) time with you, too! Besides, as moms, girlfriends and wives, we want to have sleek toned muscles too, right? Believe me girls — those Skinny Bitches were on to something!

3 mins read


Youve heard it over and over again Real Men Eat Meat! Cant you just hear those big husky guys with all those muscles claiming that they must consume large quantities of animal flesh to grow those extra large muscles. Really? Must we consume animals to grow muscles? How about all those grass fed cows out there? They have huge muscles and dont eat other animals.

7 mins read

Raw Milk for Real People

Remember back in the olden days when you would have the unfortunate experience of opening a sour gallon of milk and your nose would be hit with an intensely disgusting smell that nearly knocked you over and made your entire body shudder? Then the inevitable would come - having to pour the curdled stinky blobs down…

5 mins read

Is Raw Milk Better For You and Your Kids?

Remember back in the old days when you would have the unfortunate experience of opening a sour gallon of milk and your nose would be hit with an intense nasty smell that nearly knocked you over? So why does it seem like those days are a distant memory? It is because most Americans today consume modern milk, which has been highly pasteurized instead of the raw milk we grew up drinking.

6 mins read

Stop the Artificial Food Dye Madness

Imagine for a moment, if you will, a perfectly beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon at the baseball field.  You are gathered with friends and family to watch your child’s game. Smiling faces all around and the relaxed feeling of an afternoon filled with quality family time –Americana at its finest. Suddenly, out of left field comes that…