5 mins read

Top Picks for Christmas in July

This year, we’re working really hard to budget wisely (and most importantly -stick to it!). As a family, we have had our share of ups and downs, but were learning as we go and getting better. Planning ahead is uber-important when it comes to budgeting. Each year after the holidays come and go, I add up all the expenses- from gifts, extra food & baking, decorating, cards, wrapping, and a few holiday party outfits (how do they always find their way in there?) :).

3 mins read

Finances: Oops! I Did It Again

I have a confession to make. For the first time since getting rid of our line of credit, I had a financial blunder. I have been pretty on top of keeping close track of all our spending; however, I must admit I had a slip up. Last month, we were fortunate to have guests visiting (Traveling Pat!), and then it was my birthday, then Mothers Day.