4 mins read

How Often Do YOU Have Sex?

Well ladies, I feel like we havent covered sex in a while, so were well overdue! Last night after proudly watching my sons hockey practice, I went to dinner with my baby group girlfriends. Its very nice; the same group of 8 girls I started a baby group with six years ago, I still dine with on a monthly basis. I always come home with a few good laughs for my hubby. Really.

4 mins read

A Woman's Monthly Period – From A Man's Perspective

Ladies, I have decided to shake things up a little. We will now have a new ANONYMOUS MALE Guest Blogger who will show up every so often on this blog. His goal is to explain to us ladies, from a mans perspective, that men too sit on the fence with many issues. I wanted him to tell us about his life as a great hands-on single dad raising three beautiful kids, and the fence issues that arise for him, but he didnt want to do it that way. Instead, he wanted to kick off post #1 with another light-hearted point of view.

6 mins read

Secrets & Lies

Have you ever cut the price tag off a new dress so your boyfriend or husband wouldnt find out what it REALLY cost? Have you ever told your friend she looks thin and great when in fact she looks awful? Have you ever secretly been attracted to someone other than your partner? Have you ever lied about how much money you make? Have you ever covered up for your kids? Have you gotten Botox and not disclosed? Have you ever faked an orgasm?

7 mins read

Life Interrupted

By Guest Blogger Melanie Kramer I must admit, writing this Blog post was cathartic, liberating and at the same time overcast with a shadow of somberness. The last six years have been a struggle coming to terms with my decision to give up a painting career that I loved dearly, to stay home and raise my children. And as I reflect back today, I cant help but think, Was this the best decision for me? For my kids? Why do I feel like I am on the road to nowhere?