Avengers 2: Age of Ultron Successfully Expands the Team and the Fun
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Avengers 2: Age of Ultron Successfully Expands the Team and the Fun

Since the first Avengers film is one of the most popular of all time, this sequel has a lot to live up to. Good news: the second delivers and then some. Don’t wait for Netflix or BluRay. This is one summer blockbuster you don’t want to miss seeing on the big screen.

This time, instead of facing a threat from another universe, the Avengers have to battle one that is scarier and more powerful – a “supersmart murderbot,” as Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner refers to Ultron, who is accidentally created by Tony Stark (played by the always excellent Robert Downey Jr). Part of the strength of this movie is that it gives you a lot to think about if you want a little more than just battles, explosions, and stunning set pieces. BUT, if all you care about is incredible special effects and Marvel-style comic-book fighting at its best, you get that too.

Part of the reason Marvel films are so enjoyable is their pitch-perfect casting, and the newcomers in this film continue this tradition. Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch is a revelation. She could (and should) carry an entire movie all on her own with this fascinating new character. James Spader voices the villain with an appropriate mix of menace and charm.

The rest of the team is back, and in fine form, too. The rapport between Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, and the others is just as delightful as it was in the first. Avengers 2: Age of Ultron manages to grow more serious without losing any sense of fun, and continues with a blend of well-placed jokes and perfectly executed action. Circle May 1st on your calendar. You’re going to want to be watch this one with the whole family.

Author bio: Jason Latshaw is a writer who lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two kids, and a couple of gecko lizards.

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