Britax Child Safety Inc has recalled over 700,000 strollers that have the Click & Go receiver mounts because there have been 33 reports of the car seats detaching and falling off the stroller.
The recalled strollers include Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion strollers that are used with a travel system with a car seat carrier. There have been 26 injuries reported including scratches, bruises, cuts and head bumps.
It’s not just new strollers, the recalled strollers have been sold since May 2011 at Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, Target,, and According to the CPSC.GOV, “The model number can be found on the inside of the stroller’s metal frame near the right rear wheel for single strollers and in the front middle underside of the frame on double strollers.” The recalled model numbers are:
S01298600, S01298700, S01635200, S02063600, S02063700, S02063800, S02063900, S02064000, S03803400, S03803500, S03803700, S03803800, S03803900, S04144400, S04144500, S04144600, S04144700, S04144800, S04144900, S04145000, S04183700, S04183800, S04184000, S04281200, S04281300, S04402800, S04437700, S04628500, S04884200, S04884300, S04884400, S04884500, S04975600, S04978900, S05060600, S05260200, S05511600, S05511700, S865800, S865900, S874300, S874400, S874500, S877200, S890100, S896000, S896200, S896600, S907200, S907300, S907400, S907500, S907600, S910200, S910300, S910400, S910500, S912300, S914300, S914500, S914700, S914900, S915200, S915400, S917400, S921800, S921900, S923700, U341763, U341764, U341782, U341783, U341825, U341826, U341828, U341X82, U34X782, U361763, U361818, U361819, U361825, U391875, U451835, U451837, U451841, U461763, U461764, U461782, U461783, U461825, U461826, U461828, U471818, U471819, U491842, U491843, U491844, U491908, U491909, U491910, U511875, U511877, U551835, U551837, U551841, U551861, U551862, U551863, U551864, U551865, U551905, U551906, U691878, U691879, U691881, U691882, U691884, U691904, U691905, U721895, U721896
BOB Motion:
S888600, S890200, S890300, S890400, S890500, S909700, S910600, S910700, S910800, S910900, S912600, U391820, U391821, U391822, U481820, U481821, U481822, U501820, U501821, U501822, U501907
You don’t need to return your stroller but get a free repair kit and throw away the Click & Go receiver. Please call 1-844-227-0300 or The company says you can still use the stroller in the fully reclined mode without the car seat attached.
Stay safe.