5 mins read

Listen Up Pile or File People — It’s Time to Get Organized!

Pick up the latest copy of a hot home magazine and youll find glossy photos capturing sleek images of perfect homes and offices. Its so alluring, but honestly, where is all of the stuff? Do these people live real lives? The short answer is no. Even if youve gone paperless and now read your news online and receive your bills electronically, paper clutter is still never going away. There are just some documents that you need to have around. So, first remember that its ok to have some stuff and then figure out if you are a file or a pile person. Do you like everything tucked away or do you prefer to have stacks at the ready? Whether you are a color-coded file person or a towering pile of papers person, we have some tips to keep it all under control.

5 mins read

Brooke’s Family Vacation Packing Advice

I was just watching a segment on the Today Show about relaxing on Family vacation That seems like wishful thinking with my brood- although that is exactly what I am hoping for. I never went on a family vacation as a child, so they are super important to me now. I think family vacations create memories that will last a lifetime. Its about quality time for us, checking out of our day-to-day routines, exploring different environments, and enjoying each otherbut only if they are organized! This goes for any trip btw (car trips, stay-cations, sleepovers, etc.) I do not want this summer adventure to be frustrating or exhausting so I am prepping everything I can.

4 mins read

Organize Your House and Your Head — Declutter!

Maybe something like this has happened to you. It is 8:15AM and you are running out the door, coffee in hand and already fifteen minutes late for work. Suddenly you realize that you have once again forgotten to give your son immunization records to the school office. Without them, he cant go on the class trip. You run back in the house, quickly open your filing cabinet and start searching frantically. Is it filed under his name? Under immunizations? Under the doctors name? Or is it just not filed? You stumble upon your last five years of electricity bills, that article on travel to Bhutan, and even the roster from last years little league team, but no immunization records. Then you wonder why do you have a filing cabinet in the first place?

6 mins read

Organize a Wedding Shower Without Breaking the Bank

Showering the bride with gifts for her new life is a wonderful wedding tradition that dates back well over one hundred years. Legend has it that a young Dutch couple wanted to wed, but the father of the bride disapproved because the young man was too poor. Friends and family disagreed with the father and came up with a creative way to give them her dowry. They showered the bride-to-be by filling a trunk with treasured items of their own that they thought the couple would need in their new life together. Touched by the outpouring of support, the girls father relented and allowed them to marry.

2 mins read

Do-It-Yourself Baby Shower Favor Ideas

Whether the budget is small or you simply want to put a personal stamp on the shower, homemade favors offer a variety of distinct options. Soaps, candles and potpourri favors are a common sight at baby showers. Departing from the traditional homemade baby favors leaves the guest in awe of the attractive and useful favors. Even those who aren’t crafty by nature can create fun baby shower favors.